Sunday, November 18, 2007

Will ye go, lassie, go?

Not sure why that's always the song that I hum (like a camel) when things get really bad. Maybe it's just in my key. More likely it's that the version I know best is the Fred Neill one, and his voice is always a comfort. 'Ev'.

So, let's see where we are... everyone (except me) is sick, and John, a.k.a. Spleen Boy, possibly seriously. We have pretty much no money and, with half a foot of (unexpected) snow outside, no work likely for me. Everything needs tires and the electric bill came in a gray envelope (blue=normal, white=not so good, gray=give us the money dammit.)

Did I mention that I almost burned the house down? Just finished sweeping up the shattered light bulb and vacuuming the soot off the bed. And after I just changed the sheets and vacuumed the room yesterday. Insult to injury. Yeah.

No wonder I'm singing about pulling wild mountain thyme. Wish it grew up here on the hill.

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